White Papers

White Papers

IT Caliber’s recent white papers on processes improvements, best practices and trends in changing business and information technology areas.

Health care technology redefined

Major transformation is taking place in the healthcare industry. Technology is driving this change,providing opportunity for health care providers to look at their operations closely and improve efficiency there by providing better patient care for less cost. Digitization of patient records, doctor prescriptions, vendor connections, and mobile, wearable for health tracking, etc. are contributing to the data led revelation. Main goal is to derive insights from this data to enhance patient care and patient experience as well as reduce costs. To be competitive in the market place this transformational change is now a ‘must’ for all health care providers.

In the guide, we look at the emerging trends in health care technology in regards to data and how health care providers will be better off finding solutions by adapting to these new trends in health care.

Published: August 19, 2015
Published: September 12, 2015
Big data for financial services

With high period of retention rules in financial sector, data accumulation is faster than other sectors. And, of course the financial data in any business is key data. Big data advent has brought in many opportunities in financial services industry, along with opportunities there come challenges. This data is present in all shapes and forms. Most of the data accounted for is unstructured data. This data along with structured data present a huge opportunity to transform business by pulling put diagnostic and predictive analytics.