Big Data & Analytics

Big Data & Analytics

Big Data

Big data is now omnipresent. Big Data information management requires companies towork with robust platforms, innovative technologies, extensive data exploration, visualization and high powered analytics. No doubt, the promise of value is huge, that is the reason business after business is showing interest in working with Big Data to gain insights and realize value. Mobility, Cloud, IoT (internet of things) only add to this paradigm called Big Data.

One of the instigators for using Big Data technologies is "volume" of data. As we are seeing in our everyday lives, this is and will be growing exponentially. This includes data at rest and data in motion that is real time data streaming in from variety of sources, social media to machine sensors. And, more and more value needs to be extracted from this huge piles of data.New devices fitted in cars to robots performing operations, sensors, engines, new machinery, all generate continuous data.

Consider video monitoring systems on bridges, roads and public places. Data is streaming fast, a security alert has to be quick if any suspicious package is encountered in the streaming videos. But to be effective, this analysis must happen as rapidly as the video data enters the system. In this case, velocity pertains not only to how quickly data is generated, but also to how quickly someone interprets and acts upon it.

The biggest challenge is variety of data, that too both structured as well as unstructured data, with about 75 per cent of data being unstructured, which is more difficult to handle, coming in from a variety of data sources, such as text, sensor data, audio, video, click streams, log files and more.We used to store data from sources like spreadsheets and databases. Now data comes in all forms emails, PDFs, photos, videos, machines, devices, etc. The variety of unstructured data also creates problems in integrating and storage. But needless to say there is great deal of value in this data. Businesses are starting to see this value and vendors are stepping up with various tools and technology to capture this unstructured data, mine and analyze.

This inundation of “BIG” data is to be captured, cleansed, stored and analyzed. Businesses which are not planning to do this are going to be left out of the competition.

Being a major player in data landscape before the advent of Big Data, IT Caliber had a leg up when Big Data came into picture. We have thorough understanding of big data processes, technologies, issues, hypes and realities. Our team has experience with full life cycle implementation solution of big data. Gain from our perspective. Benefit from our experience.

Our Perspective:
  • Layout the strategy
  • Big data governance
  • Seminars, webinars and work shops
  • Data processing methodologies
  • Architecture
  • Discovery
  • Master data
  • Exploration/Visualization
  • Professional services
  • Proof of concept
  • Platforms & Products
  • Value realization estimates

Analysis of these large data (resulted from big data processing) with statistical tools and techniques to understand the insights and derive patterns there by gaining the critical 'knowledge' is essentially Big Data Analytics that businesses are keen on employing for various benefits, increase productivity to better understand their customers.

This wisdom derived from Big Data analytics can be applied in all business process from improving customer service, increasing the sales to maintaining effective operations. Along with this, Big Data analytics is also about finding what you are not looking for, finding something that catches your attention which could help to add new customers or diagnose a business problem.

We at IT Caliber, understand the full length and breadth of this analytics space. Our consultants have broad experience with the tools in the analytics space. The edge that we have is our expertise with data. Unlike other firms which are in catch-up mode, we were ready to the explosive advent of social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies (SMAC). We have worked on complex analytics in SMAC technologies. We help generate business insights using sophisticated big data analytics, dashboards and pre-built apps With our expertise consulting and superior services in this space there is no doubt that your business will be poised to outperform your competition.